Lock the beautiful
memories permanently
in a TimeBox
The content will be fully encrypted and permanently stored on the blockchain, with support for multiple chains.learn more...
BNB Smart Chain
Arbitrum One
OP Mainnet
What is a TimeBox?
The idea of the TimeBox is inspired by the time capsule.
People have been fond of creating time capsules since early times. As early as 1983, Steve Jobs left predictions about future technology in a time capsule.
Put text, images, videos, or files into the TimeBox, and they will be fully encrypted and permanently stored.
It can be used to record anything, such as recording important moments or writing messages for family, friends, or your future self.
You can set a lock-in time
During the lock-in period, you will be unable to view the contents inside the TimeBox.
Each TimeBox is an NFT
Each TimeBox will be minted as an NFT, so you can send it to anyone.
All content will be encrypted
While information on the blockchain is publicly transparent, your content will be stored encrypted, so you don't need to worry about privacy leaks.
This is a box filled with warmth and love
TimeBox provides a way to interact with memories across different time dimensions, enabling people to communicate and connect, stimulating emotions, thoughts, and imagination.
Multi-chain support
You can transfer TimeBox NFTs and $TIME Tokens across multiple blockchains.
Permanent storage
Your content will be permanently stored on the ARWEAVE network.
Privacy protection
Both your content and attachments will be fully encrypted.
Arbitrary transfer
You can send the TimeBox to anyone.