
Select Box Type


Set Lock Period
1 Year

Custom Open Time


Enter Content

Put in some files…
You can place photos, videos or boxFiles into the box, with file formats limited to JPG,JPEG,PNG,GIF,MP4 and MOV.
For private TimeBoxes, PDF and ZIP file types are additionally allowed.
You can upload a maximum of 5 attachments, but the total size must not exceed 200 MB.
*The attachment's size will affect the casting cost
For private TimeBoxes, PDF and ZIP file types are additionally allowed.
You can upload a maximum of 5 attachments, but the total size must not exceed 200 MB.
*The attachment's size will affect the casting cost
File storage space used: 0 MB
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Cost estimation
You need to use $testTime to pay for the costs and ensure your wallet has enough funds to cover the gas fees.
Box size : 0 MB
Cost estimate : 0 $testTime
Balance : 0.000 $testTime